Post 435 Gun Club
Work Project List

This is the 2024 spring work day list. It is quite long and we do not anticipate completeing all of it.
Priority 1 items are items that we feel realy need to be done.
Priority 2 items are items that should be done.
Priority 3 items can be done if we have time and resources.

Many of these projects can be done before or after the spring work day by volunteers working at their own pace and convenience.

If there is anyone who wishes to take care of one of these projects or donate the material required please contact Tom Schmitt the gun club Executive Officer.

There are a number of items that would would be EXTREMELY helpfull. If there are any members willing to provide a skid steer or a tractor with a gradeing bar we would be very gratefull. As it stands we could probably use 2 skid steers and 2 road gradeing type machines this spring.

Any and all help will always be appreciated. I have estimated the number of workers required to complete priorities 1 and 2 at 44 people.

Area Work Required Equipment/tools required
Rifle/Pistol Range | Paint taret support posts Orange Paint from Call House
Rifle/Pistol Range | Move bench #10 to position #9 Concrete blocks & morter
Rifle/Pistol Range | Repair 100 & 200yd bullet traps 6x6 posts
Rifle Pistol Range | Paint Pistol House Paint/Brushes
Rifle Pistol Range | Paint CMP Target Shed Paint/Brushes
Rifle Pistol Range | Repair 25yd Bench ?
Rifle Pistol Range | Repair shooting bench carpit ?
Shotgun Range Clean out gutters
Shotgun Range Stain Gun Racks Stain/Brushes
Shotgun Range Paint Trim & Door Paint/Brushes
Shotgun Range Paint Storage Shed Paint/Brushes
Shotgun Range Cut down Cherry Tree Chain saw
Shotgun Range Replace post for faucet ?
Shotgun Range Open Hi House Skeet window ?
Gate Move Bulletin Board New Posts?
Driveway Clear Brush ?
Area Wide Skid loader for misc jobs Skid-steer

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